Viceroy - ορισμός. Τι είναι το Viceroy
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Τι (ποιος) είναι Viceroy - ορισμός

Vice regal; Vice-regal; Viceroys; Namiestnik; Namestnik; Namestnichestvo; Viceregal; Vicere; Viceré; Viceroi; Spanish viceroyalty; Viceroyalties; Vicereine; Vice Kings; Viceroyalties of the Spanish Empire; Viceroyship; Viceroyal; Viceroyalties in the Spanish Empire; Vice King; Vicereign
  • viceroy of Peru]]

¦ noun a ruler exercising authority in a colony on behalf of a sovereign.
viceroyal adjective
viceroyship noun
C16: from archaic Fr., from vice- 'in place of' + roi 'king'.
In former times, a viceroy was the person who ruled a colony on behalf of his king, queen, or government.
·prep The governor of a country or province who rules in the name of the sovereign with regal authority, as the king's substitute; as, the viceroy of India.
II. Viceroy ·prep A large and handsome American butterfly (Basilarchia, / Limenitis, archippus). Its wings are orange-red, with black lines along the nervures and a row of white spots along the outer margins. The larvae feed on willow, poplar, and apple trees.



A viceroy () is an official who reigns over a polity in the name of and as the representative of the monarch of the territory. The term derives from the Latin prefix vice-, meaning "in the place of" and the French word roy, meaning "king". He has also been styled the king's lieutenant. A viceroy's territory may be called a viceroyalty, though this term is not always applied. The adjective form is viceregal, less often viceroyal. The term vicereine is sometimes used to indicate a female viceroy suo jure, although viceroy can serve as a gender-neutral term. Vicereine is more commonly used to indicate a viceroy's wife.

The term has occasionally been applied to the governors-general of the Commonwealth realms, who are viceregal representatives of the monarch.

Viceroy is a form of royal appointment rather than noble rank. An individual viceroy often also held a noble title, however, such as Bernardo de Gálvez, 1st Viscount of Galveston, who was also Viceroy of New Spain.

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για Viceroy
1. Paul Bremer, eventually to be U.S. viceroy in Iraq.
2. Hughes – who was assistant to the first US "viceroy" in post–Saddam Iraq, Gen.
3. The Afghans are unlikely to accept a British viceroy – even if he wears a blue beret.
4. The former marine commando‘s assertive manner earned him the titles of tyrant, dictator and viceroy.
5. Reporters were more interested in interviewing him than they were the viceroy.